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IPL Photofacial


IPL Photo Facial in Mt. Shasta, CA

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is used to gently deliver precise amounts of energy to correct pigment issues that can make patients feel self-conscious about the appearance of their skin. The IPL Treatment also supports the collagen remodeling process, so skin looks youthful and refreshed. IPL uses light energy to target a certain color in your skin. When the skin is heated, your body gets rid of the unwanted cells, and that gets rid of the thing you’re being treated for. Unlike lasers, an IPL device sends out more than one wavelength of pulsating light. It can treat a range of skin conditions at the same time. After IPL, you may look younger because your skin tone is more even. And since the light doesn’t hurt other tissues, you can get better quickly.


Treatment Areas

IPL Face Mt. Shasta, CA


IPL neck Mt. Shasta, CA


IPL chest Mt. Shasta, CA


IPL legs Mt. Shasta, CA


IPL hands Mt. Shasta, CA


IPL arm Mt. Shasta, CA


IPL Benefits

Treat stubborn acne

Intense pulsed light can tackle the causes of acne and its lasting side effects, like scarring. This procedure also kills harmful bacteria and reduces redness and inflammation. Repeated IPL photofacials encourage the skin to shed and renew its outer layer, a process that gradually eliminates scar tissue.

Treat Multiple Areas

Although the IPL photofacial is most frequently used for facial rejuvenation, it can also renew the neck, upper chest, shoulders, hands, arms, and legs. If you have signs of sun damage on multiple parts of your body, treating them all with intense pulsed light may give you a more uniformly youthful look.

Quick and Convenient

IPL treatments typically take under half an hour to complete, so you can easily schedule your procedure around other commitments. One to two of these quick treatments spaced one month apart, create beautiful results for most people.

Treat Sun-Damaged Skin

The IPL photofacial combats the effects of sun damage in two ways: First, it penetrates and draws out discoloration that forms deep in the dermis. By dissolving these cells, intense pulsed light gets rid of brown spots and excessive freckling to restore an even, dewy complexion.

Prevent Premature Skin Aging

Intense pulsed light is unique in its ability to actually change the structure of skin cells, making them behave more like young cells. The genetic expression of aged skin cells treated regularly with intense pulsed light resembles that of young, healthy skin cells. Fine wrinkles, spider veins, brown spots, and dark spots can be treated with IPL for an overall healthier appearance. 

Eliminate Visible Veins and Capillaries

Because intense pulsed light is absorbed very efficiently by red blood cells, the IPL photofacial is one of the best treatments available for visible blood vessel abnormalities. 

Before & After Gallery

About Our Machine

At Blissfusion we use the LUMECCA laser which is a breakthrough intense pulsed light (IPL) that delivers up to 3X more energy in the 500-600 nm range to improve efficacy for vascular and pigmented lesions. It is optimized for clinicians to treat a variety of skin imperfections with fewer sessions.


High efficiency of treatment due to high peak power and optimized output.

Fewer treatments

Complete photorejuvenation in 1 or 2 treatments for most patients versus 4-6 treatments with standard IPL’s.

Fast process

Reduces treatment time thanks to large spot size and high pulse repetition rate.


Strong sapphire cooling tip results in minimal discomfort and redness.

IPL Photofacial FAQ

  • Is NAD+ infusions safe?
    Yes, NAD+ is a natural substance in the body. Our staff will be there to monitor you for the entirety of the infusion.
  • Are there any side effects to NAD+ therapy?
    NAD+ therapy has the potential to cause nausea, cramping, and muscle fatigue.
  • How long does the infusion take?
    NAD+ must be administered slow, dripping over a 2 hour time span.
  • How soon will I feel the effects of the infusion?
    It is possible to feel the benefit of NAD+ immediately or up to 1-2 days after.
  • What does NAD+ therapy treat?
    NAD+ therapy helps with the aging process, mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression, and works as an overall brain boost to reset your body’s internal clock.
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